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Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden Announced for 3DS in Japan


    A new entry in the Dragon Ball Z: Butoden franchise is heading to the 3DS, the latest issue of V Jump Magazine has revealed.

    According to the article, Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden is being developed by Arc System Works and will sport over 100 different DBZ characters. The 2D fighting game will feature both one-on-one and team-style battles with a new "Z Assist" support feature and "Ultimate Arts" finishing moves.

    Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden is set to launch in Japan this Summer with no word yet on a Western release. The last game in the series, Dragon Ball Kai: Ultimate Butoden, was released for Nintendo DS in 2011 exclusively in Japan.

Source : http://ap.ign.com/dragon-ball-xenoverse/86745/news/dragon-ball-z-extreme-butoden-announced-for-3ds-in


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