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Dying Light PC Patch Resurrects Modding


    Dying Light received an update over the weekend that includes a patch to re-enable modding in the action survival horror.

    A patch for PC released earlier this month restricted the ability to mod the game. Patch notes for update 1.2.1 revealed that while the fix may have been designed to prevent anyone cheating by changing the game's data files, the mods were likely caught in the crossfire.

    Patch notes for the latest update, version 1.4.0, states that modded games will not work online with original unchanged versions but will work with other identically modded games. The update also fixes hardware, performance and stability issues. It addresses issues with Be-the-Zombie mode and general gameplay, such as “extremely long load times that some users were experiencing.”

    Developer Techland recently invited players to help create modding tools for Dying Light and “share their mod ideas - no matter how crazy.” The studio also announced this month that Dying Light is scheduled to get a new hard mode via a free content update sometime around the start of March or some time sooner.

     Dying Light launched on January 27, and we thought its high-speed parkour and gruesome zombie massacres made the game a blast, even if the story's just okay. Be sure to check out the next evolution of our Let's Play series, IGN Plays Live, where we will livestream Dying Light this Wednesday.

Source : http://ap.ign.com/dying-light/86692/news/dying-light-pc-patch-resurrects-modding


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